jean robertou full-stack web developer profile picture

Hi, I'm Jean

Senior full-stack web developer

My career highlights


Full-stack web developer

Nov. 2022 - Current

  • Implementation of new features, measured by user satisfaction and decreased bug reports, by conducting Architecture Decision Records and PoC to align development goals with business objectives
  • Software debugging and monitoring, measured by reduced downtime and improved system stability, by utilizing Datadog to proactively identify and resolve software issues, ensuring optimal performance and reliability
  • Implementation of automated testing processes, measured by increased test coverage and faster release cycles, by designing and implementing automated testing workflows, reducing manual testing efforts and enhancing overall software quality
  • Hiring, onboarding, and mentorship of developers, measured by improved team productivity and retention rates, by implementing structured hiring processes, facilitating smooth onboarding experiences, and providing ongoing mentorship and technical development opportunities


Full-stack web developer

May 2021 - Oct. 2022

  • Development of a serverless backend project, measured by improved accessibility and efficiency for employees accessing company's restaurants, by implementing TDD and pair-programming practices using GCP Cloud Functions
  • Development of a serverless full-stack project, measured by streamlined communication between the dining area and the kitchens through a command screen system, by practicing TDD and pair-programming techniques using GCP Cloud Functions
  • Optimization of the report generation engine, measured by enhanced support for restaurateurs in accounting and restaurant management, by optimizing query execution, calculations, and PDF generation processes for client reports (invoices, orders, sales, etc.)
  • Hiring, onboarding, and mentorship of developers, measured by improved team productivity and retention rates, by implementing structured hiring processes, facilitating smooth onboarding experiences, and providing ongoing mentorship and technical development opportunities

École Supérieur du Digital


2020 - 2022

  • Teaching a Python fundamentals module followed by a data-focused module, measured by improved understanding and proficiency among M1 students, by delivering a first module covering Python basics, followed by a second module focused on data processing and the implementation of an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process
  • Teaching a Node.js API basics module followed by an algorithmics-focused module, measured by enhanced comprehension and application among B3 students, by delivering a first module covering the basics of Node.js API development with Express, followed by a second module focused on algorithmics

Where You Love

Full-stack web developer

2019 - 2021

  • Automated generation of PDF reports, measured by enhanced access to statistical information on client data, by developing a API endpoints consolidating data from multiple databases

Gleeds & AE75

Project Manager / Quantity Surveyor

2013 - 2018

  • My experiences at Gleeds and then at AE75 provided me with firsthand experience in the design and implementation processes of various assets across the country. In these roles, I was responsible for overseeing project finances and invoicing, preparing documentation, and estimating construction costs while ensuring the accuracy of quotations

What I've been working on

📮 Feeedbackr


A feedback collection and analysis tool designed to help solopreneurs and small teams build features users actually want, saving time, effort, and resources

Discover the project 👀

🖋️ Article Generator

An AI-powered app that first generates titles, then table of content and finally the article, resulting in a more structured and coherent output that is easier to read and understand

💬 Post Roaster

A content optimization tool that enhances social media posts for better audience alignment, readability, and engagement

🐶 Dog groomers


A pSEO optimized app that generates urls on the fly using dog groomers data found on Google Place (New) - Only works for main french cities

🍗 Foodr

A weekly meal planner powered by AI and using a Stripe paywall

🦁 Codectibles

A gamified Github app that reward users when merging, approving or commenting on PRs

🎨 Closest Tailwind Colour

Find the closest Tailwind color based on a given hex value

🎲 Roll the die

An app that lets you play a game of dice against the computer

🌴 When is the next french bank holiday ?

This project displays the next French bank holiday in a simple and convenient manner

💰 Euromillions simulator

An app that simulates the Euromillion draw and provides metrics for the results